Saturday, November 30, 2019

Underhiver Report: Debt Collection or Territory Dispute?


Rumor around the Sumps is that the Rust Wolves, an Orlock backed gang, has crossed swords with the deadly beauties of the Nasty Girls Club; of Escher fame. The suspected cause of the dispute is unknown, but both sides attempted to exact maximum damage on their rivals.

According to some disreputable sources such as Two-Toed Jerry, the original dispute erupted after a gambling debt went sideways. Upon trying to collect on the alleged debt, the dangerous dames were able to keep the oxidized predators from leaving with anything valuable, securing the luscious ladies' place at the top of the local food chain.

Regardless of what started the conflict, the two groups have now reached an impasse. Two-Toed Jerry informs us that the Rust Wolves put a great deal of pressure on the Nasty Girls Club, even going so far as to lead one of the gang away in bonds, but whatever debt they were attempting to collect on has appeared to go unpaid. He also informs us that the Wolves have seen reduced presence in the area lately and that the Escher have established an increasing number of "Entertainment" services, which are reputed to hold illicit gambling activities.

The locals are worried that the tensions between the gangs will cause more conflict to be visited on the area. The recently arrived Enforcer Precinct, commanded by Captain Urban of the Z-Theta-Magenta patrol group, has been informed of the situation and is likely watching over the citizens. May the justice of Lord Helmawr be swift and terrible to any gang that dares to harm the loyal imperial citizenry of this great Hive!

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