Friday, December 27, 2019

Underhiver Report: Renewed Conflict in the Up-Sump Habs


It was early in the 2nd Work Period when gunshots were heard coming from the Hab Block 5-23 yesterday. Roggie Vergas was on the scene and gave us a first-hand account of the action:

"I always head past Lho-asis on my way to second shift," he began, "and this time was no different. They have the best Sump Ale! But when I heard the tell-tale crackle of a man's flesh being evaporated by plasma, I knew it was time to scoot!"

"I got a good look at them though. Honestly, I think the Escher gal just got spooked. Who wouldn't? Those Delaque boys have the creepiest tech I ever saw. It ain't right, walking around like some sort of Emperor-damned ghoul..."

(It is worth mentioning that he is referring to this particular gang's trademark headwear; a holographic image of a jawless skull, leering at their victims. The gang calls itself Shades of the Ebon Oath.)

"That's when she vaporized the bastard. At least, she tried to. It looked like he got a good chunk of his arm taken off, and he went down like a bag of corpse-starch. Then it all went tits up."

"The damn spooks started popping up everywhere! The Escher gang was pretty scattered, I think a few came to help their pals but sensibly hoofed it the opposite direction when they heard the screaming."

"They started HOSING the Escher girls down... I'm talking like shit down the drain. Automatic gunfire like you wouldn't believe. It was even worse that some of it was silenced.... you would expect that much gunfire to be a tremendous racket! It wasn't though. It was like they were firing them from the next block over, but I was watching it with my own eyes."

"Those Escher hightailed it after that. Can't blame 'em. I even saw their head gal get beaned by the top spook. They held her in place with one of those fancy guns... made everything crumple. No way I can describe it. But she acted like she couldn't get away from the spot the spook shot... like it kept pulling her back to it."

"Next thing you know, old dead-eyes walks up and cold clocks her with his fancy cane. They didn't do nothing with her.... just kind of tossed her back into another alley. Not sure why. Maybe they were showing her she was worthless... just tossed her out like the trash."

"Haven't seen the Nasty Girls Club back in this block since. Maybe they are just coming up with a clever way to repay those spooks. Or maybe they are steering clear... which is what I'm gonna start doing before Second Shift. The Ale ain't worth this kind of trouble."

With that, Roggie had nothing more to say. 

We here at the Enquirer have to agree with Roggie.... if you can, we urge you to avoid Lho-asis and the surrounding blocks. It seems likely that the Escher are looking for revenge, and these Delaque are not known for valuing the lives of hive citizens.

The local recreation den of hive workers, now seen patrolled by the eerie watchmen loyal to the Shades of the Ebon Oath.

Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Note from the Editor: Regrouping of the Houses

Lately there has been little activity in the Sumptowns, as all houses inexplicably pulled their gangs from the area. Speculation has been rampant, but it appears there was some kind of a holiday truce or ceasefire, as we observe the blessed Day of Helmawr's Generosity.

For off-worlders who may not know of this holiday, our venerable Lord Helmawr allows one day per year in which hive citizens may exchange ownership of minor goods that had been assigned to them, and work shifts are generally shortened to a mere 16 hours, rather than the usual 18.

Although a cessation of the fighting is a welcome change for most of the Marimoor sub sections, many are left to wonder when the conflict will begin again. 

Rickus "Toothless" Fergeson speculates: "If I had to divine it myself, I'd put creds on the fightin' startin' agin as soon as the Gangers catch wind of the new areas that drained out in sector 4052," he declares, licking cracked lips and eyeing the extra corpse starch rations we brought to secure this interview with the local Rat Wrangler.

"I plan on headin' out mahself, right soon," he adds, motioning to a pile of exploration gear he has acquired. "I could use a taste of the Emperor's blessing, rightly so... I am sick of the damned rats always getting away with my teeth." To accentuate his point, he blows a quiet whistle through several missing teeth. How he lost the teeth to the rats is anyone's guess.

More anonymous interviews revealed the same attitude is shared by many locals of Sumptown M-32: most believe it's only a matter of time before gangers begin flocking to our settlements again in search of pillage.

This editor urges you to comply with the wishes of whichever gang will offer you the best chance of survival. The Emperor favors the shrewd, and the gangers are likely to kill you outright if you resist their influence.

We also are obligated to say that if you are complicit in recidivist activity of any kind, please report to the nearest Enforcer Precinct (Such as Patrol Precinct Magenta-Theta-Z if you are in the Marimoor sub sector or surrounding area) for debriefing. Please be sure to bring all illegally obtained goods for confiscation and the Enforcers are likely to make Helmawr's Justice much more swift.

And to all: Benevolent Day of Helmawr's Generosity to you and yours!

Star Carter - Head Editor of the Marimoor Minute

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Underhiver Report: Extreme Goliath Brutality In the Septivista Genetoriums


Latest word from the Underhives indicates that a massive show of force was organized by the Goliath gang "The Blood Stones" this week, trapping a Van Saar sponsored gang;"Circle of the Illuminated." 

The Circle are rumored to be in league with the Slave Guild and had been supplying the guild with a steady stream of captured underhivers before the conflict erupted.

Three-Eared Moe told Underhive Today:
"I heard a tremendous racket coming from the Genetorium jus' down the Hab-way, something real sinister like. I know those booms anywhere. Those were Goliath Stub Cannons, like the one that took me thumb off, see!" (At this point, Moe waved around a clearly infected stump on his left hand.)

"Anyways, I couldn't hear those techy boys on account of the helmets and doo-hickies they wear, couldn't hear 'em shouting. But I heard them dying. I can assure you o' that..."

According to Three-Eared Moe, the Blood Stones had been lying in wait for the Van Saar for some time.

"Scuttlebutt says that these Stones fellas had info coming from above. Some kind of fancy folk. Wasn't no noble, but he carried himself like one, smoking on a Lho with one o' dem fancy long sticks. I wish I had gotten close enough to smell the pelt he wore, it looked so fresh and warm..." (Moe trailed off at this point, apparently reminiscing.)

"My boys say he's from off-world. I believe it... I didn't get close enough to hear em talk, but he didn't look like a Hiver. He had a couple o' boys with him last I saw, the kind that got funny helmets. Offworlders for sure."

Another eyewitness, Scraper Ferron, told Underhiver Today about what he saw from his shack's window:

"It was a bloodbath. Those Van Saar boys walked right into it. Those big'uns, the Goliaths, they had the high ground. Offworlders on one side, Goliath on the other, Van Saar in the middle like a mutie rat caught between two Gyrinx. . I don't know how many of those Van Saar made it out alive, but I doubt they'll be back for more anytime soon..."

One local Medicae can corroborate Scraper Ferron's account:

"The Van Saar brought two of their own in, bloody messes both. I couldn't work on both, so they directed me to the older fellow, I believe they called him "Owl". I never got to learn his real name... he died on my table. I was trying to dig out an enormous Stub Cannon round from his gut but I couldn't stop the bleeding fast enough.

"The younger of the two they brought in died much faster, I'm afraid. I couldn't do anything for that boy. I felt bad taking their credits for the work I did on Owl, but I have to replenish the little stock of IV plasma that I have left. I hope they have the sense to stay away from those Goliath fellas... they clearly mean business."

Other testimony from around the settlement of Septivista was a bit more colored:

"I am glad that they killed a couple of those dirty Spider-lovers... Don't need them coming in here driving the price of corpse starch up!" -- Baker Korb

"Glad to see those Goliath boys are keeping the riff-raff out. A few more bodies to haul ain't nothing to me." -- Lester the Carrion Hoister

"Hope they rough up that 'Wolf' guy a bit before they turn him over to the Guilders. He was a right ass when I tried to show him some of my wares. He literally looked down that big nose at me. Ha! Serves him right. Sorry we can't all be as up-hive as those Van Saar fancy boys!" -- Reggis the Las Peddler

Underhive Today will bring you updates as this story unfolds.

For the time being, the editors are recommending to use extreme caution in the areas around Septivista while the two gangs are active in these regions. Other reports, from individuals who wished to remain anonymous, indicate that the Goliath are now using the area to transport goods of an unknown nature. We recommend not becoming involved by avoiding the area if at all possible.

May the Emperor protect!

Sunday, December 1, 2019

Gang Focus: The Rust Wolves of House Orlock

The Rust Wolves are a rowdy bunch. They show little regard or concern for the legality of their operations, preferring the tangible benefits of Credits and influence, rather than adhering to any particular code of ethics. That being said, they are one of the most internally loyal gangs operating in the Drained Sump Seas to date.

Part fraternity, part militia, this group of rugged individuals found that their perchance for revelry made them well suited to organizing fighting rings in the Underhive. Sponsoring such events such as "Corpse Grinder Kyle versus Killer Karen," the Rust Wolves have made a tidy sum of Credits by attracting large crowds to the Blood Pits that house these bloodbaths. This was further supplemented by organizing gambling rackets built around betting on the combatants.

Recently, this particular enterprise brought them into conflict with the Nasty Girls Club of House Escher, who were operating their own gambling ring based upon dice and card casinos. The Club accused the Rust Wolves of infringing upon their own realm of influence, to which the Rust Wolves responded with indifference at best, mockery at worst. 

A short conflict erupted, after which saw sharply decreased gambling activity by the Rust Wolves. With the decrease in revenue generated by the events, there are rumors that the Wolves themselves are participating in the underground fights, as they are unable to provide enough sponsorship to attract more infamous champions of the Pits. There are also rumors that a new Escher girl is has replaced the previous Mop Girl in cleaning up the blood spilled in the Blood Pits (which many speculate is a pointless exercise).

More rumors speculate that the Rust Wolves are uncharacteristically melancholic as of late, not because of a perceived loss in the conflict with the Eschers, but because they have found something in the Underhives that was believed to be lost... something that has given them pause in their recklessness. The most wild of rumors speculate that it is a wise man who is now advising the Wolves, telling portents of the future. Whatever it is, the wild nature of the fraternity has diminished, and they are more focused on their goals than ever.

Only time will tell if the continued aggression of the Rust Wolves will be their downfall. As more House-sponsored gangs are provoked to violence, it may only be a matter of time before these Wolves discover they have bitten off more than they can chew. With the rumors surrounding them, it is anybody's guess as to what is motivating their efforts...

Saturday, November 30, 2019

Underhiver Report: Debt Collection or Territory Dispute?


Rumor around the Sumps is that the Rust Wolves, an Orlock backed gang, has crossed swords with the deadly beauties of the Nasty Girls Club; of Escher fame. The suspected cause of the dispute is unknown, but both sides attempted to exact maximum damage on their rivals.

According to some disreputable sources such as Two-Toed Jerry, the original dispute erupted after a gambling debt went sideways. Upon trying to collect on the alleged debt, the dangerous dames were able to keep the oxidized predators from leaving with anything valuable, securing the luscious ladies' place at the top of the local food chain.

Regardless of what started the conflict, the two groups have now reached an impasse. Two-Toed Jerry informs us that the Rust Wolves put a great deal of pressure on the Nasty Girls Club, even going so far as to lead one of the gang away in bonds, but whatever debt they were attempting to collect on has appeared to go unpaid. He also informs us that the Wolves have seen reduced presence in the area lately and that the Escher have established an increasing number of "Entertainment" services, which are reputed to hold illicit gambling activities.

The locals are worried that the tensions between the gangs will cause more conflict to be visited on the area. The recently arrived Enforcer Precinct, commanded by Captain Urban of the Z-Theta-Magenta patrol group, has been informed of the situation and is likely watching over the citizens. May the justice of Lord Helmawr be swift and terrible to any gang that dares to harm the loyal imperial citizenry of this great Hive!

Gang Focus: The Blood Stones of House Goliath

The Blood Stones, led by the Goliath known as Onyx, were among the first on the scene when the first charters to the Sumps were commissioned. The fact that their brutish frames barely fit in the tight confines of the Underhives and Sump pathways does not dissuade them in the slightest.

Onyx is not a smart Goliath by any means. When propositioned by the disgraced Rogue Trader Arnold Ferrell to obtain rare technology, Onyx did not even question the legality of the weapons they were hired to obtain. To seal the deal, Ferrell bequeathed a rare Xenos artifact that would definitely draw the ire of the Inquisition, were they to catch wind of the abominable weapon. Whether the gift was to earn the loyalty of the gang, or to simply remove the evidence from his possession, is anyone's guess.

Regardless of how they obtained the artifact, settlements near the Sumps have grown to appreciate the gang's ability to drive off other outsiders. One such settlement, known as Septivista, has decided it was better to have a pack of rabid dogs working for them rather than against them. They have contracted the Blood Stones to provide the settlement protection in return for a periodic sum of credits. Whether they are getting their credit's worth remains to be seen.

The History of The Drained Seas of Marimoor

The Spires of Necromunda have a flow to them. Water from the top spires trickles down through the hive, as pipes leak and wastewater is flushed downhive, and purified water is pumped back up into the top spires of the hive. Not all of it goes back up. Some of it trickles down so far, through even the Underhive, and arrives at the Sump.

After thousands of years the water had coalesced into underground aquifers. Thus began the Sump Seas of Marimoor, located under the Mynerva Cluster of Hive cities. The Sumps underneath those hives did not contain the pumping stations robust enough to keep the lower levels from flooding completely. Some hab domes completely filled with the runoff from the upper levels. Eventually the combined flow of the multiple hive cities of the Mynerva Cluster merged to form the Seas of Marimoor.

As the Sumps sunk beneath the surface ever deeper and into the Seas of Marimoor their treasures and forgotten caches became lost to time. Some compartments were fortunately sealed, and the detritus piling around them further locked their contents away, protecting them from the ravages of decay. Others were completely ruined by the ravages of corrosion and time.

Inexplicably the Seas of Marimoor began to recede. At first, it was thought to be a mistake in the data. As the years marched on, the amount of this reduction began to accelerate. Entire levels of the Sump began to reappear after being drained from millenia-old runoff. Pathways in the Sumpways began to appear, and soon pathways began to be found and plotted by enterprising Sump Prospectors.

Word began to spread. Tales of forgotten treasures unearthed by these prospectors reached far and wide, eventually reaching the ears of the Lord Helmawr himself. The Noble houses of Necromunda, eager to please their Overlord, were quick to assemble envoys to represent them in these unspoiled frontiers. They chartered expeditions to the drained sublevels with instructions to secure any resources for the glory of the respective Houses.

Rumors travel faster than a Promethium fire extinguished with water in the spires of the Hives and it wasn't long before criminal elements began to extend their own influence into the Dead Sump Seas. With Recidivist activity surging, Helmawr decided to send a token of his influence in the form of Palanite Enforcers to restore order.

Now the Sumps are embroiled with conflict. The rackets of the Underhive have begun to exploit the untold riches being exposed. The Enforcers are in equal parts imposing the will of their Lord and cutting off a piece for themselves. The Guilds are sponsoring multiple gangs to expand their own interests. Amidst all the commotion, dark forces are making their own machinations. Through it all, Archeotech and lost treasures are abound, and ripe for the taking for those who survive!