Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Underhiver Report: Extreme Goliath Brutality In the Septivista Genetoriums


Latest word from the Underhives indicates that a massive show of force was organized by the Goliath gang "The Blood Stones" this week, trapping a Van Saar sponsored gang;"Circle of the Illuminated." 

The Circle are rumored to be in league with the Slave Guild and had been supplying the guild with a steady stream of captured underhivers before the conflict erupted.

Three-Eared Moe told Underhive Today:
"I heard a tremendous racket coming from the Genetorium jus' down the Hab-way, something real sinister like. I know those booms anywhere. Those were Goliath Stub Cannons, like the one that took me thumb off, see!" (At this point, Moe waved around a clearly infected stump on his left hand.)

"Anyways, I couldn't hear those techy boys on account of the helmets and doo-hickies they wear, couldn't hear 'em shouting. But I heard them dying. I can assure you o' that..."

According to Three-Eared Moe, the Blood Stones had been lying in wait for the Van Saar for some time.

"Scuttlebutt says that these Stones fellas had info coming from above. Some kind of fancy folk. Wasn't no noble, but he carried himself like one, smoking on a Lho with one o' dem fancy long sticks. I wish I had gotten close enough to smell the pelt he wore, it looked so fresh and warm..." (Moe trailed off at this point, apparently reminiscing.)

"My boys say he's from off-world. I believe it... I didn't get close enough to hear em talk, but he didn't look like a Hiver. He had a couple o' boys with him last I saw, the kind that got funny helmets. Offworlders for sure."

Another eyewitness, Scraper Ferron, told Underhiver Today about what he saw from his shack's window:

"It was a bloodbath. Those Van Saar boys walked right into it. Those big'uns, the Goliaths, they had the high ground. Offworlders on one side, Goliath on the other, Van Saar in the middle like a mutie rat caught between two Gyrinx. . I don't know how many of those Van Saar made it out alive, but I doubt they'll be back for more anytime soon..."

One local Medicae can corroborate Scraper Ferron's account:

"The Van Saar brought two of their own in, bloody messes both. I couldn't work on both, so they directed me to the older fellow, I believe they called him "Owl". I never got to learn his real name... he died on my table. I was trying to dig out an enormous Stub Cannon round from his gut but I couldn't stop the bleeding fast enough.

"The younger of the two they brought in died much faster, I'm afraid. I couldn't do anything for that boy. I felt bad taking their credits for the work I did on Owl, but I have to replenish the little stock of IV plasma that I have left. I hope they have the sense to stay away from those Goliath fellas... they clearly mean business."

Other testimony from around the settlement of Septivista was a bit more colored:

"I am glad that they killed a couple of those dirty Spider-lovers... Don't need them coming in here driving the price of corpse starch up!" -- Baker Korb

"Glad to see those Goliath boys are keeping the riff-raff out. A few more bodies to haul ain't nothing to me." -- Lester the Carrion Hoister

"Hope they rough up that 'Wolf' guy a bit before they turn him over to the Guilders. He was a right ass when I tried to show him some of my wares. He literally looked down that big nose at me. Ha! Serves him right. Sorry we can't all be as up-hive as those Van Saar fancy boys!" -- Reggis the Las Peddler

Underhive Today will bring you updates as this story unfolds.

For the time being, the editors are recommending to use extreme caution in the areas around Septivista while the two gangs are active in these regions. Other reports, from individuals who wished to remain anonymous, indicate that the Goliath are now using the area to transport goods of an unknown nature. We recommend not becoming involved by avoiding the area if at all possible.

May the Emperor protect!

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