Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Note from the Editor: Regrouping of the Houses

Lately there has been little activity in the Sumptowns, as all houses inexplicably pulled their gangs from the area. Speculation has been rampant, but it appears there was some kind of a holiday truce or ceasefire, as we observe the blessed Day of Helmawr's Generosity.

For off-worlders who may not know of this holiday, our venerable Lord Helmawr allows one day per year in which hive citizens may exchange ownership of minor goods that had been assigned to them, and work shifts are generally shortened to a mere 16 hours, rather than the usual 18.

Although a cessation of the fighting is a welcome change for most of the Marimoor sub sections, many are left to wonder when the conflict will begin again. 

Rickus "Toothless" Fergeson speculates: "If I had to divine it myself, I'd put creds on the fightin' startin' agin as soon as the Gangers catch wind of the new areas that drained out in sector 4052," he declares, licking cracked lips and eyeing the extra corpse starch rations we brought to secure this interview with the local Rat Wrangler.

"I plan on headin' out mahself, right soon," he adds, motioning to a pile of exploration gear he has acquired. "I could use a taste of the Emperor's blessing, rightly so... I am sick of the damned rats always getting away with my teeth." To accentuate his point, he blows a quiet whistle through several missing teeth. How he lost the teeth to the rats is anyone's guess.

More anonymous interviews revealed the same attitude is shared by many locals of Sumptown M-32: most believe it's only a matter of time before gangers begin flocking to our settlements again in search of pillage.

This editor urges you to comply with the wishes of whichever gang will offer you the best chance of survival. The Emperor favors the shrewd, and the gangers are likely to kill you outright if you resist their influence.

We also are obligated to say that if you are complicit in recidivist activity of any kind, please report to the nearest Enforcer Precinct (Such as Patrol Precinct Magenta-Theta-Z if you are in the Marimoor sub sector or surrounding area) for debriefing. Please be sure to bring all illegally obtained goods for confiscation and the Enforcers are likely to make Helmawr's Justice much more swift.

And to all: Benevolent Day of Helmawr's Generosity to you and yours!

Star Carter - Head Editor of the Marimoor Minute

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